Hip hop 

Hip hop ja house-tunneilla aloitellaan perusasioita ja jatketaan siitä omien koreografioiden tekemiseen ja kehittämiseen. Normaalin harjoittelun lisäksi luvassa myös jameja, battleja ja performansseja.

In hip-hop and house class, we’ll start with the basics and then move on to our own choreography and improv. So, in addition to our regular training, we’ve got jams, battles, and performances coming up. Let’s dance.

Teaching language mainly English and some Finnish.


Marina Podkidysheva

I'm Marina, a street dancer. My dream is to introduce myself like this all my life until I'm 90.
I'm sure that to do anything well, you need to learn how to dance. And to dance well, you need to practice everything else too.